Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Disrupting The Sleep-Wake Cycle On Weekends Can Lead To A Sleep Dysfunction

Disrupting The Sleep-Wake Cycle On Weekends Can Lead To A Sleep Dysfunction    

It Is Called Social Jet Lag And Occurs When The Sleep Cycle On Weekdays And Weekends Are Different    

There is a phenomenon that is causing sleep disorders on weekends. From Monday to Friday, people are used to waking up and go to sleep at a certain hour. However, on weekends, they go to sleep late and wake up late, which is causing a change in the body’s internal clock. This is called social jet lag and can cause a sleep dysfunction, leading to insomnia and circadian rhythm disorders, which affect the body’s internal clock that tells us at what time we get to sleep and when to wake. This gets worse when people have the habit of sleeping 6 hours or less on weekdays, and continue with sleep deprivation during weekends. Additional information click here.


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