Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Napping Can Enhance Creativity, Reduce Stress, And Also Provide A Better Focus, Accuracy, And Concentration

Napping Can Enhance Creativity, Reduce Stress, And Also Provide A Better Focus, Accuracy, And Concentration    

However, It Is Important To Learn To Nap Correctly To Have These Health Benefits    

Napping is restorative and prepares the body for the afternoon tasks. However, many consider this as a sign of laziness. However, napping has many health benefits, such as boosting brain function, which includes focus, accuracy, and concentration. Also, it enhances creativity, provides more energy and a better mood, reduces stress, and improves physical performance and critical thinking skills. There are many types of naps, depending on the objective. The most common is a short power-nap (20 to 25 min) in the mid-afternoon between 1 and 3 pm. Extending it more than 25 minutes can result in waking up in another phase of the sleep cycle, resulting in a low mood. Taking a quick cup of coffee before the nap can provide more energy because the caffeine takes effect after 20 minutes, which is the length of the nap. Another use for a nap is preparing for a late night, in which a nap of 90 minutes before leaving will help. The reason is that the complete sleep cycle, including REM, the dreaming phase, takes 90 minutes. Check all the types of naps and their benefits. More Information click here.


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