Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Researchers Have Identified Genes That Modify The Circadian Rhythm

Researchers Have Identified Genes That Modify The Circadian Rhythm    

Eventually, Humans Could Control Their Own Sleep-Wake Cycle    

Circadian rhythms, also known as the internal body clock that manages the awake time and sleep time, among many other body functions are nor only located in humans. Every animal with sensitivity to light has it. Disruption of the circadian rhythm, such as in the case of shift workers or traveling to different time zones, can lead to insomnia and hypertension, among others. Researchers have found a set of genes that react to environmental stresses by altering the circadian rhythm. This means that when the body is exposed to excessive oxidative stress or too low or too high concentrations of sugar or salt. The research could eventually help humans to set the conditions to control their own circadian rhythm and their own sleep-wake cycle. More details click here.


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