Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Get Rid Of These Habits To Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Get Rid Of These Habits To Get A Good Night’s Sleep    

Artificial Light From Screens, Stress And Late Snacks Can Affect The Production Of Melatonin    

Lack of sleep can cause metabolic disorders, excess weight, and poor concentration and reaction time, which results in work and car accidents. There are certain things that affect the sleep, besides staying up late at night. One of them is artificial light produced by smartphones, TV’s tablets, and computer screens. These generate a blue light that affects the production of melatonin, the hormone that tells the body that it’s time to sleep. Another is eating before going to bed, which increases glucose level, activating stress hormones and also decreases the production of melatonin. Stress produces hormones that put the body in an alert state while affecting the production of melatonin. Check all the factors that prevent a good night’s sleep. Click here for more info.


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