Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Study: Late-Night Eating Might Be Related To A Higher Risk Of Prostate And Breast Cancer

Study: Late-Night Eating Might Be Related To A Higher Risk Of Prostate And Breast Cancer    

The Cause Could Be Associated With The Disruption Of The Circadian Rhythm    

According to a recent study, late-night eating can increase the risk of prostate or breast cancer. The study revealed that people that did not eat anything two hours before bedtime have a 20% decrease in the risk of suffering these types of cancer. One cause can be the disruption of the circadian rhythm, which also disrupted the levels of glucose, cortisol, and leptin, and also had a higher level of inflammation. This applied also to habitual late-night eating, and also night-shift workers, not occasional cases in which the person must stay once in an overnight shift. The risk of cancer is determined by genetics and environment. Genetics cannot be controlled, but the environmental factors can be controlled, such as avoiding eating before going to bed to promote proper sleep and prevent a disruption of the circadian rhythm. More Information click here.


Weighted Blanket Therapy Will Help Beating Anxiety And Insomnia

Weighted Blanket Therapy Will Help Beating Anxiety And Insomnia    

There is a therapy called deep pressure touch stimulation, which is similar to getting a massage. It places pressure over the body and has psychological and physiological benefits. One means to apply it is by using weighted blankets, which have proven helpful in the treatment of kids with anxiety, stress, and sensory disorders. It is also used for treating insomnia because it promotes the production of serotonin. More info click here.


Strokes And Seizures Have Similar Symptoms, But Different Origins

Strokes And Seizures Have Similar Symptoms, But Different Origins    

Causes Can Be High Blood Pressure, Poor Circulation, Or Epilepsy And Even Lack Of Sleep    

Strokes and seizures are two conditions that affect brain functioning, have similar symptoms, but have different origins. A stroke occurs when a blood clot is cutting the irrigation in the brain, or when there is a hemorrhage in the brain. A seizure is a neurological event, in which there is a disruption in the electrical signals coming and going to the brain. A stroke can be caused by high blood pressure, diabetes and poor circulation, and is usually a one-time event because the second stroke usually results in death. Thus, it is very important to determine the cause of the stroke and follow the doctor’s orders to avoid a second one. A seizure is usually caused by epilepsy, but other causes can be high fever, meningitis, lack of sleep, among others. The doctor will prescribe a treatment once he has determined the origin of the stroke. Additional details click here.


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Lack Of Sleep Related To Alzheimer’s Disease, Memory Issues And Problems In Focusing

Poor Sleeping Related To Alzheimer’s Disease, Memory Issues And Problems In Focusing    

It Prevents The Brain And The Body To Properly Restore Itself For The Next Day    

Poor sleep can affect the body in many ways. Besides the sensation of tiredness, it can lead to poor judgment, illness, and even motor accidents. It also prevents the mind and body from restoring, increasing the risk of Alzheimer’s and other mental issues. There are ways to have a proper sleep. According to a study, it is important to have time for sleep and to awake, every day, even weekends, which will help with sleep hygiene. This is because the sleep-wake cycle is also associated with the brain process that builds synaptic proteins. In fact, these proteins are produced when feeling drowsy, in which they make the essential proteins, and before waking up, which produce the proteins that manage the functions of the synapses. Therefore, sleep deprivation will interrupt these processes. Another study has found that sleep deprivation is related to two substances related to Alzheimer’s disease, which are present in everybody, but during sleep, the brain gets rid of them. Poor sleeping also causes memory issues, problems in concentration, and in focus.


Correcting Your Sleeping Position To Avoid Back Pain When Waking Up

Correcting Your Sleeping Position To Avoid Back Pain When Waking Up    

It Will Also Help With Neck And Shoulder Pain    

A poor sleeping position might be the cause of shoulder, neck, or back pain. A soft mattress won’t be able to keep the natural curves of the spine, leading to back pain. This can be avoided by placing small pillows or rolled towels under the lower back and under the calves, the restore the curvature. If sleeping on the back. If sleeping on the side, a pillow between the knees will release the load of the lower back. Shoulder pain and neck pain can be caused by sleeping on a side with pillows too soft or too hard, among other causes. More details click here.


Sleep Quality Is As Important As The Number Of Hours Of Sleep

Sleep Quality Is As Important As The Number Of Hours Of Sleep    

It Can Be Obtained Avoiding Fatty Foods Before Sleep And Setting A Proper Sleep Environment And Room Temperature    

According to experts, a person requires seven to eight hours to get fully rested. However, it is not only important how much time a person sleeps but also quality sleep. This means sleeping, among others, without interruptions, which can be dome avoiding caffeine after 4 pm, and avoiding fatty foods in the night, which will slow digestion. Also, it is important to go to bed and wake up at the same time, even weekends, to obtain proper sleep hygiene. Naps, if taken appropriately, can renew the mind and body for the activities in the evening. They should take no more than 20 minutes, but if it takes 2 hours, it can disrupt sleep. It is also important to sleep a proper environment, such as a comfortable bed, sleepwear, and even room temperature. Since the body temperature lowers during sleep, a hot room can interrupt sleep. Additionally, if there are stressful activities the next day or deadlines, it is important to stop thinking about them. One way is to write them down in a day planner and forget about it during the night.


Monday, September 28, 2020

Facts And Myths About Sleep And Sleep Disorders

Facts And Myths About Sleep And Sleep Disorders    

There are sleep facts that are just myths. For example, everybody needs 8 hours of sleep – the truth is that each person has an individual sleep need. Also, you can recover on the weekend all the lost sleep during weekdays – this disrupts the sleep cycle and can contribute to insomnia. Check all the myths. Click here for more details.


Binge Drinking Can Permanently Alter The Genes That Control Sleep

Binge Drinking Can Permanently Alter The Genes That Control Sleep    

It Would Make Sleeping More Difficult For The Rest Of The Life    

According to a study, four drinks in one session could permanently alter the sleep genes, making it more difficult to sleep for the rest of the life. Lab animals experienced an increase in non-REM sleep or dreamless sleep. Afterward, during periods when the lab rodents should have been asleep, they were awake. Specialists also observed that the test animals did not show an increase in adenosine, a chemical that promotes sleep, and did not have the impulse to sleep. They found that continuous drinking decreased the expression of the gene that controls sleep, therefore, the gene that controls sleep had lost effectivity after alcohol consumption. Additional details click here.


Acupuncture Has Positive Effects On Brain Chemistry, Treating Anxiety And Stress

Acupuncture Has Positive Effects On Brain Chemistry, Treating Anxiety And Stress    

It Also Lowers High Blood Pressure And Treats Back Pain And Circadian Rhythm Disorders    

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese practice which has more than 2000 years old. Even though it is widely known, not everybody knows its effects on the body. Some of its benefits are positive changes in brain chemistry, the release of neurotransmitters, and pain reduction. It can cause the brain to release molecules that allow communication between cells and neurons, called neuropeptides, which can relieve pain and promote self-healing. It also produces other chemicals that help to manage pain, called endorphins which also are beneficial for treating back pain. Acupuncture also relaxes blood vessels, reducing hypertension and cerebral blood vessels. Another benefit is the release of neurotransmitters to manage stress, reduce anxiety, promote mood, and even treat circadian rhythm disorders. More info click here.


Sunday, September 27, 2020

Snoring Sounds Causes Negative Health Effects On The Snorer’s Partners

Snoring Sounds Causes Negative Health Effects On The Snorer’s Partners    

Studies Have Shown That It Results In A Higher Blood Pressure    

Snoring affects the snorer and his partner. The snorer suffers from lower brain oxygenation, has a higher cardiovascular risk, and other serious health issues. The snorer’s partner will also have continuous sleep interruptions because of the noise, and the consequences of sleep deprivation. However, a study has shown that there might be even worse consequences for the snorer’s partner, leading to an increase on blood pressure and other health conditions related to it, such as an increase of risk for stroke, heart disease, and kidney disease, among others. The study also included persons that are exposed to airport noises, which also interrupted their sleep. Click here for more information.


Friday, September 25, 2020

Insomnia And Sleep Apnea Frequently Occur In The Same Person

Insomnia And Sleep Apnea Frequently Occur In The Same Person    

Insomnia is the difficulty in sleeping at night, while sleep apnea is the interruption of breathing during sleep. These are the most common sleep disorders, and a study has found that these disorders frequently occur in the same person, calling it Complex Insomnia. Patients have a poor quality of life due to daytime sleepiness, fatigue, difficulty to focus and concentrate and irritability. Click here for more info.


Health Benefits Of Musical Therapy

Health Benefits Of Musical Therapy    

It Can Help With Mental Health Conditions And Insomnia    

Music therapy can have a series of benefits for children and adults. Children can develop reading and linguistic skills. It has stress and anxiety-reducing effect in adults and children alike, and also improves concentration and alertness. Also, studies have shown that it helps insomnia sufferers, improving sleep. It also helps with mental disorders, such as dementia, depression, and autism, reducing agitated behavior, improving physical coordination, and helping in the development of communication and social interactions Click here for more details.


Thursday, September 24, 2020

Lack Of Sleep Related To Alzheimer’s Disease, Memory Issues And Problems In Focusing

Poor Sleeping Related To Alzheimer’s Disease, Memory Issues And Problems In Focusing    

It Prevents The Brain And The Body To Properly Restore Itself For The Next Day    

Poor sleep can affect the body in many ways. Besides the sensation of tiredness, it can lead to poor judgment, illness, and even motor accidents. It also prevents the mind and body from restoring, increasing the risk of Alzheimer’s and other mental issues. There are ways to have a proper sleep. According to a study, it is important to have time for sleep and to awake, every day, even weekends, which will help with sleep hygiene. This is because the sleep-wake cycle is also associated with the brain process that builds synaptic proteins. In fact, these proteins are produced when feeling drowsy, in which they make the essential proteins, and before waking up, which produce the proteins that manage the functions of the synapses. Therefore, sleep deprivation will interrupt these processes. Another study has found that sleep deprivation is related to two substances related to Alzheimer’s disease, which are present in everybody, but during sleep, the brain gets rid of them. Poor sleeping also causes memory issues, problems in concentration, and in focus.


New Smartphone App Designs A Personalized Plan For Avoiding Jet Lag

New Smartphone App Designs A Personalized Plan For Avoiding Jet Lag    

It Considers The Traveler’s Sleep Pattern, Flight Plan, And Personal Preferences    

Jet lag occurs when a person travels through several time zones, his body must get used to a new schedule for getting asleep and waking up. While this change occurs, there are several symptoms, which makes this process uncomfortable. There are several tips to overcome this, and even smartphone apps that offer the best procedures to make this change as swift as possible. However, they offer generic advice. There is another app called Timeshifter, which focuses on the individual requirements of the traveler and designs a schedule based on it. According to its designers, a generic, one-for-all solution can be counterproductive, making jet lag worse. This app takes into account the traveler’s individual information, such as his sleep pattern, flight plan, and personal preferences, and designs a personalized plan. Click here for more information.


Unable To Sleep After Waking At Night? Don’t To This

Unable To Sleep After Waking At Night? Don’t To This    

Sometimes people are awakening in the middle of the night and are unable to sleep again. So they start worrying, which in turn prevent sleeping. This gets worse if the person looks at the clock or starts to move around, or goes to the bathroom, which increases the heart rate and prevents relaxing. More Information click here.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Teeth Grinding Can Seriously Affect Oral Health

Teeth Grinding Can Seriously Affect Oral Health    

It Occurs During Sleep When The Person Is Not Aware Of It    

Teeth grinding, also known as Bruxism, can begin very early in life. Regular teeth grinding can result in damaged teeth, It is usually caused by a sleep disorder, occurring during sleep, therefore people are unaware that they grind their teeth. Some of the symptoms are waking up with a sore muscle in the jaws and headaches. It has serious health consequences, such as breaking of fillings or other restorations and worn teeth. When teeth grinding occurs at daytime, it is called clenching. Click here for more details.


Poor Sleeping Could Lead To Additional Calorie Intake And Weight Gain

Poor Sleeping Could Lead To Additional Calorie Intake And Weight Gain    

A research has shown that insomnia and sleep deprivation results in lower energy in the next day. This causes an imbalance resulting in the body tries to compensate by eating additional calories the next day, thus leading to obesity. Click here for more information.


Sleep Therapy Addresses The Cause Of Poor Sleeping

Sleep Therapy Addresses The Cause Of Poor Sleeping    

Sleeping pills are a way to deal with poor sleep but do not address the cause of it. One treatment is called CBT, or cognitive behavior therapy, in which the brain and body are retrained for a better sleep. It focuses on the sleep-disturbing factors and lifestyle adaptations, such as dealing with a new job or a newborn. Additional info click here.


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

New Devices In CES 2020 Promote A Better Sleep

New Devices In CES 2020 Promote A Better Sleep    

One Monitors Biofeedback In Real-Time, Teaching The User To Sleep, While The Other Trains The Mind For Sleeping    

There are new devices that have been presented in CES 2020, which will help to promote sleep. One of them is a headband that monitors the user’s biofeedback in real-time, while providing a soothing sound, along with a narration. The objective is to guide the user on how to enter a sleep state, based on brain activity, heartbeat, breathing, and body movements. Another device claims to reduce the time to fall asleep at 40%, and decrease the interruption during nighttime in half. It trains the mind to produce the brainwaves that lead to sleep, changing the brain’s behavior prior to entering a sleeping state. It requires a certain number of sessions to achieve this goal.


Try This If Unable To Sleep In Hot Weather

Try This If Unable To Sleep In Hot Weather    

It Involves Cooling The Body’s Pressure Points With Ice    

There are times in which falling asleep is very difficult due to high temperature. One way is to turn the air conditioner on. But if this is not possible, there is a simple trick which involves cooling the pressure points in the body. There are points that will transmit the sensation of coolness to the rest of the body and are located in the wrists, neck, and feet. The idea is to apply ice cubes inside a cloth or plastic bag to these pressure points. Another idea is dipping the feet in a bucket of cold water. Additionally, cooling the neck and head can lower the body temperature. This can be done by putting the pillow or bedding inside the refrigerator or freezer for 10 minutes. Additional information click here.


Oversleeping, Insomnia And Sleep Apnea Can Increase The Risk Of Stroke

Oversleeping, Insomnia And Sleep Apnea Can Increase The Risk Of Stroke    

A study has shown that oversleeping, insomnia and sleep apnea can increase the risk of stroke or affect stroke recovery. Many of the patients also have Restless Leg Syndrome. The treatment consisted of CPAP, a healthy diet and relaxation techniques, among others. Click here for more info.


Monday, September 21, 2020

Smartphone Use Before Bedtime Related To Poor Sleep Quality

Smartphone Use Before Bedtime Related To Poor Sleep Quality    

A recent research suggests that the light from a smartphone, near bedtime, affects the quality of sleep. More time spent watching the phone results in poorer sleep. Also, several studies have shown that the blue light from electronic devices can overstimulate the brain affecting sleep. Additional info click here.


Seniors Take Many Drugs That Affect Brain Chemistry

Seniors Take Many Drugs That Affect Brain Chemistry    

There are health conditions that are more common in old age. This means that seniors take several drugs for these conditions, and some may interfere with others, such as combining painkillers, sleeping pills, anxiety drugs, all of which alter the chemistry of the brain. Therefore, a good idea is to have a list of all the drugs that this senior is actually taking, so that the specialist can determine ether if the drugs he is prescribing will interact with others. Click here for more info.


Optimism And Positive Thoughts Can Improve Sleep Quality

Optimism And Positive Thoughts Can Improve Sleep Quality    

The Brain Releases Hormones That Control The Sleep-Wake Cycle    

Being in a good mood and feeling optimistic contributes to less stress, more happiness, and better sleep, among many other benefits. In general, optimistic people have more hours of quality sleep and have fewer possibilities to experience daytime sleepiness. Optimism does not only benefit the mind but also the body because the brain releases certain hormones that are essential for quality sleep. Among them is serotonin, which is associated with melatonin, the hormone that controls the sleep-wake cycle. The contrary is also true. Pessimism will lead to worry, fear, and negative thoughts, resulting in insomnia and restless nights. If negative thoughts will lead to staying awake, this idea is to remove them, replace these thoughts with positive ones, improving the quality of sleep.


Sunday, September 20, 2020

Correct And Incorrect Ways Of Getting Rid Of Insomnia

Correct And Incorrect Ways Of Getting Rid Of Insomnia    

Sometimes people choose the wrong ways to get rid of insomnia. Among them is a glass of wine before sleep, because it interrupts the sleep cycle, using portable devices before sleep, because they prevent the release of melatonin, and taking antihistamines. However, there are good ways to get to sleep such as getting out of the room. Check all the ways to get some sleep. More details click here.


Friday, September 18, 2020

Sleep Therapy Addresses The Cause Of Poor Sleeping

Sleep Therapy Addresses The Cause Of Poor Sleeping    

Sleeping pills are a way to deal with poor sleep but do not address the cause of it. One treatment is called CBT, or cognitive behavior therapy, in which the brain and body are retrained for a better sleep. It focuses on the sleep-disturbing factors and lifestyle adaptations, such as dealing with a new job or a newborn. Additional info click here.


Smartphone Use Before Bedtime Related To Poor Sleep Quality

Smartphone Use Before Bedtime Related To Poor Sleep Quality    

A recent research suggests that the light from a smartphone, near bedtime, affects the quality of sleep. More time spent watching the phone results in poorer sleep. Also, several studies have shown that the blue light from electronic devices can overstimulate the brain affecting sleep. Additional info click here.


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Vibration In Skyscrapers May Result In Depression And Insomnia

Vibration In Skyscrapers May Result In Depression And Insomnia    

Working in a skyscraper might be exciting, and you have a great view. However, these buildings vibrate and sway in the wind, which may lead to depression, motion sickness, and insomnia, according to research. Universities are building simulators to verify how this vibration affects the people inside, which will help in future buildings or redesign. Click here for more information.


Your Feet And Toes Can Help Getting A Better Sleep

Your Feet And Toes Can Help Getting A Better Sleep    

One of the causes of insomnia is excessive body temperature. This means that if the room is not cool enough, the brain cannot turn off for sleep. To control temperature, most of the body heat goes through the head and face. But the feet and toes also help to regulate the body temperature. Additional info click here.


Web-Based Insomnia Treatment Showed Positive Outcome

Web-Based Insomnia Treatment Showed Positive Outcome    

There is now a web-based treatment for insomnia. It is based on cognitive behavioral therapy, which addresses the behavior resulting in insomnia. The treatment resulted in a positive outcome for most participants. Click here for more information.


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Sleep Disorders May Be Written In The Genetic Code

Sleep Disorders May Be Written In The Genetic Code    

Sleeping recharges the body and mind for the next day. However, a research says that insomnia, need for extra hours of sleep and dreams can be included in the genetic code. Sleep genes can help also treat other conditions related to sleep conditions, such as mood disorders. Additional details click here.


How To Get Rid Of Night Terrors In Children

How To Get Rid Of Night Terrors In Children    

It Will Give Children And Parents Peace Of Mind And A Proper Sleep    

Night terrors are different from nightmares. These are experienced by children between 4 and 12 years old and consist of intense terror and crying episodes, and the helplessness to wake up. These disorders have the same category as sleepwalking. One common myth is that is dangerous to wake up a child in the middle of an episode. These episodes occur between stage three and stage four of non-REM sleep, about 90 minutes from falling asleep. One way to avoid them is interrupting the first sleep cycle before the episode even occurs, which is about 75 minutes after falling asleep. This was reported to be successful in 90% of the cases. Click here for more information.


Don’t Worry About Insomnia And It Will Go Away

Don’t Worry About Insomnia And It Will Go Away    

There are people who just good sleepers. They put their head on the pillow and go to sleep. On the other side, insomniacs will have a large to-do list with what foods to avoid, relaxation, autohypnosis, and they will still be unable to sleep. That happens is that the effort to control and get rid of insomnia what causes it. So what to do about it? Additional info click here.


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

These Signs Can Tell That The Body’s pH Is Off-Balance

These Signs Can Tell That The Body’s pH Is Off-Balance    

When the body has an optimal pH balance, everything feels well, including the digestion, mood, and energy. There are things that can throw pH levels off balance, such as processed foods, which have excess sugar, lack of citrus, dehydration, excess stress, and too much animal protein, among others. Check the full list. Additional information click here.


Try This If Unable To Sleep In Hot Weather

Try This If Unable To Sleep In Hot Weather    

It Involves Cooling The Body’s Pressure Points With Ice    

There are times in which falling asleep is very difficult due to high temperature. One way is to turn the air conditioner on. But if this is not possible, there is a simple trick which involves cooling the pressure points in the body. There are points that will transmit the sensation of coolness to the rest of the body and are located in the wrists, neck, and feet. The idea is to apply ice cubes inside a cloth or plastic bag to these pressure points. Another idea is dipping the feet in a bucket of cold water. Additionally, cooling the neck and head can lower the body temperature. This can be done by putting the pillow or bedding inside the refrigerator or freezer for 10 minutes. Additional information click here.


Training Your Body To Be A Better Sleeper

Training Your Body To Be A Better Sleeper    

Sleeping is a natural process for most of us, but some people have trouble sleeping, because of insomnia or other condition. Fortunately, you can train yourself to be a better sleeper. For example, sleep restriction is oriented to waking up as soon as the clock rings, so that the body gets used to sleeping at the right hour. Also with progressive relaxation, you contract and relax muscle groups to induce sleep. Check all the techniques for being a better sleeper. Click here for more information.


Monday, September 14, 2020

Lack Of Sleep Related To Alzheimer’s Disease, Memory Issues And Problems In Focusing

Poor Sleeping Related To Alzheimer’s Disease, Memory Issues And Problems In Focusing    

It Prevents The Brain And The Body To Properly Restore Itself For The Next Day    

Poor sleep can affect the body in many ways. Besides the sensation of tiredness, it can lead to poor judgment, illness, and even motor accidents. It also prevents the mind and body from restoring, increasing the risk of Alzheimer’s and other mental issues. There are ways to have a proper sleep. According to a study, it is important to have time for sleep and to awake, every day, even weekends, which will help with sleep hygiene. This is because the sleep-wake cycle is also associated with the brain process that builds synaptic proteins. In fact, these proteins are produced when feeling drowsy, in which they make the essential proteins, and before waking up, which produce the proteins that manage the functions of the synapses. Therefore, sleep deprivation will interrupt these processes. Another study has found that sleep deprivation is related to two substances related to Alzheimer’s disease, which are present in everybody, but during sleep, the brain gets rid of them. Poor sleeping also causes memory issues, problems in concentration, and in focus.


This Procedure Can Reset Circadian Rhythm, Ending Jet Lag

This Procedure Can Reset Circadian Rhythm, Ending Jet Lag    

Jet lag is the result of an alteration of the circadian clock. The body is used to sleep at certain times, and it has to learn to sleep at different times, affecting productivity. However, a study has shown that reducing 3% of the oxygen in the blood can resynchronize the circadian rhythm, ending jet lag. Additional details click here.


Meditation Will Help You With A Better Sleep – Here Is How

Meditation Will Help You With A Better Sleep – Here Is How    

Some nights it is very difficult to turn off and get some sleep. One way to control it is through meditation, which is also beneficial for lowing blood pressure and getting rid of anxiety. Meditation causes the brain to emit alpha waveforms, which are related to relaxation and it also lowers the heart rate. Is it difficult? Not at all. This guide will tell you how to begin. More info click here.


Friday, September 11, 2020

Poor Sleep Can Lead To These Issues On Your Body

Poor Sleep Can Lead To These Issues On Your Body    

Insufficient sleep will have effects on the body. One of them is a greater risk of catching a cold, because of the lowered defenses. Also, it will lead to Inflammatory Bowel Disease, irritability and mood swings, and headaches and migraines, learning problems and poor vision, among others. Additional information click here.


Restoring Your Energy After A Poor Night’s Sleep

Restoring Your Energy After A Poor Night’s Sleep    

Suppose that you had an all-night party, worked all night to deliver a project, or simply you had insomnia. You know that the next day is going to be terrible. However, there are ways to avoid uneasiness. The first step is to eat a healthy breakfast. Also, find sunlight or turn all lights to restore the light cycle. A light exercise and deep breathing will help too. Check all the advice to restore your energy. More info click here.


Thursday, September 10, 2020

How Yoga Nidra Can Help With Stress And Insomnia

How Yoga Nidra Can Help With Stress And Insomnia    

Yoga Nidra, also called yogic sleep, is defined as a kind of sleep in which you stay conscious. Specialists believe that the body goes into a more restorative state when the brain goes from beta to alpha, switching from activity to meditation. It can help in relieving stress, insomnia, and muscular, emotional and mental tensions. Click here for more details.


These Natural Tips Will Help Improve Your Sleep

These Natural Tips Will Help Improve Your Sleep    

There are natural ways to improve sleep while avoiding the side effects of sleeping pills. One of these is eating a night snack rich in tryptophan, such as for as turkey, yogurt, eggs or nuts. Tryptophan is part of melatonin, the hormone which induces sleep. Other ways are drinking valerian tea and mindfulness meditation. Check the complete list. More here, Click here for more information.


Narcolepsy Sufferers Are Unable To Control The Sleep-Wake Cycles

Narcolepsy Sufferers Are Unable To Control The Sleep-Wake Cycles    

A New Drug Can Help Them, But It Has A Controversial Component    

Narcolepsy sufferers have excessive daytime sleepiness, and well as cataplexy, which is a momentary muscle weakness. In some cases, it is triggered by emotions. This is caused by the brain’s inability to control the cycles of wake and sleep, and it sometimes decides to sleep at improper times. Sleep cycle normally begins between 10 and 12 pm and ends at 6 or 7 am the next day depending on the time one goes to bed and the number of sleep hours. Narcoleptic patients distribute the sleep hours along the 24 hours of the day. There is a drug that can treat this but has a controversial component. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

This Sleep Calculator Will Tell You The Exact Time To Go To Sleep For Waking Up Energized

This Sleep Calculator Will Tell You The Exact Time To Go To Sleep For Waking Up Energized    

Learning about sleep cycles will help you calculate when going to bed. This is because if you wake up or put the alarm clock at the wrong time of the cycle, you will feel tired. This is because the sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes, which includes five stages of sleep, four of non-REM and a fifth REM (rapid eye movement) cycle. Waking between cycles will make you feel fatigued, but waking at the end of the cycle will wake you energized. This can be detailed in the sleep calculator. More Information click here.


Controlled Breathing Has Benefits For Insomnia, Anxiety, And Depression

Controlled Breathing Has Benefits For Insomnia, Anxiety, And Depression    

Controlled breathing can calm the nervous system. It relieves stress, boosts the immune system, and increases alertness. It can also reduce symptoms related to anxiety, insomnia, PTSD, depression and ADD. Controlled meditation results in changing the response of the body’s autonomous system. More details click here.


Study: Symptoms Of Depression Reduced By Staying In Bed A Little Longer

Study: Symptoms Of Depression Reduced By Staying In Bed A Little Longer    

Depression is related to insomnia. According to studies, most people with depression also have depression. And having insomnia increases the risk by 10 of being depressed. However, a recent research has found that two extra hours in bed improve the symptoms of depression. Click here for more info.


Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Combination Of Opioid Painkillers Plus Gabapentin Can Result In Severe Breathing Difficulties

The Combination Of Opioid Painkillers Plus Gabapentin Can Result In Severe Breathing Difficulties    

It Adds To The Risk Of Respiratory Depression And A Higher Risk Of Opioid Overdose Death    

Recent studies have shown that there is a risk of serious breathing difficulties for patients that use gabapentin, along with opioid painkillers, which are used for controlling chronic pain. However, some doctors also prescribe gabapentin, because it can be used as a treatment for depression that results because of chronic pain. It is also prescribed for epilepsy fibromyalgia, generalized anxiety disorder, and restless legs. Additionally, is also used to treat insomnia, social phobia, migraine, panic disorder and bipolar disorder, among others. Also, it will worsen the opioid crisis, which affects users who have been dependent on opioid painkillers. It is important for doctors to detect symptoms of misuse and abuse, as soon as anyone of the signals shows up. If both medications are used at the same time, it can lead to complications such as respiratory depression and a higher risk of abuse or opioid overdose deaths.


Predisposition To Insomnia Can Have A Genetic Cause

Predisposition To Insomnia Can Have A Genetic Cause    

According To Researchers, The Same Genes Are Linked To Depression And Diabetes    

A recent research has found that the presence of certain genes can make people more predisposed to insomnia. This can be one of the reasons for chronic insomnia, defined as sleep problems that last more than one month, which affect 10% of the U.S. population. However, there is also bad news about this finding. The same research has found a strong correlation between these genes major depressive disorder and other mental health disorders, and type 2 diabetes. Click here for more information.


Identifying The Symptoms Of Kidney Disease

Identifying The Symptoms Of Kidney Disease    

Among These Are Insomnia, High Blood Pressure, Fluid Retention, And Severe Back Pain    

Kidneys work as the body’s filters and remove impurities in the blood in order to prevent toxins from damaging the body. Healthy kidneys eliminate from 1 to 2 liters of urine every 24 hours. However kidneys may begin to malfunction, and unfortunately, it's symptoms are not always recognized, because these are few in the early stage. Among these are a lack of energy, weakness, reduced cognition, poor appetite, and insomnia. There are also other symptoms, such as high blood pressure, and fluid retention. The most obvious symptoms are blood in the urine, painful, dark and foul-smelling urination, and severe lower back pain. Click here for more info.


Monday, September 7, 2020

Late-Night Meals Can Be Responsible For Poor Sleeping

Late-Night Meals Can Be Responsible For Poor Sleeping    

Some people love to have bedtime snacks. However, some are more healthy than others. Taking cereal, coffee, pizza or any high-fat meal can affect your sleep cycle. Sugars in cereals will boost blood sugar and interfere with sleep. Click here for more details.


Napping Can Help Improve Concentration, Decision Making And Also Promote Creativity

Napping Can Help Improve Concentration, Decision Making And Also Promote Creativity    

It Should Not Last For More Than 20 Minutes    

Napping is beneficial for the health, although it is not approved by many and even seen as a sign of laziness. However, most of us have felt a sensation of sleepiness in the afternoon. The reason is that we are biologically designed by evolution to have a long sleep at the night, and a brief resting sleep in the middle of the day. Among its benefits are greater alertness and better concentration, because, in nappers, brain activity related with concentration was as strong in the afternoon as in the morning, while non-nappers have a decrease of brain activity in the afternoons. It can also improve memory, decision-making, and also cognitive flexibility, also known as “thinking outside the box”. It also enhances learning and creativity and reduces stress, which also helps in controlling blood pressure. However, napping for more than 20 minutes can have adverse effects, interfering with night sleep, and daily performance. An exception, if there is available time, is napping for 90 minutes, which will allow going through the full REM cycle. Check all the benefits of napping. Click here for more info.


Bad Breath And Insomnia Can Lead To Coronary Heart Disease

Bad Breath And Insomnia Can Lead To Coronary Heart Disease    

Bacteria In Gum Disease And Inflammation Due To Poor Sleeping Can Increase The Risk Of Heart Attack    

Heart disease is usually related to poor lifestyle and a bad diet. However, there are other signs, such as bad breath and gum disease, along with insomnia due to work shifting. Gum disease allows the bacteria to enter the bloodstream, leading to a higher risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Also, shift work and insomnia prevents the body from healing and repairing, increasing the blood pressure and inflammation, leading to heart disease. Click here for more info.


Friday, September 4, 2020

Why Are Some Adults Afraid Of The Dark?

Why Are Some Adults Afraid Of The Dark?    

Being afraid of the dark is not only for kids. Some people still have it when they grow old. This not because of the dark, but because of what the darkness means, leaving us vulnerable and exposed. Fortunately, there is a treatment for it. Additional info click here.


These Signs Can Tell That The Body’s pH Is Off-Balance

These Signs Can Tell That The Body’s pH Is Off-Balance    

When the body has an optimal pH balance, everything feels well, including the digestion, mood, and energy. There are things that can throw pH levels off balance, such as processed foods, which have excess sugar, lack of citrus, dehydration, excess stress, and too much animal protein, among others. Check the full list. Additional information click here.


Thursday, September 3, 2020

Researchers Have Identified Genes That Modify The Circadian Rhythm

Researchers Have Identified Genes That Modify The Circadian Rhythm    

Eventually, Humans Could Control Their Own Sleep-Wake Cycle    

Circadian rhythms, also known as the internal body clock that manages the awake time and sleep time, among many other body functions are nor only located in humans. Every animal with sensitivity to light has it. Disruption of the circadian rhythm, such as in the case of shift workers or traveling to different time zones, can lead to insomnia and hypertension, among others. Researchers have found a set of genes that react to environmental stresses by altering the circadian rhythm. This means that when the body is exposed to excessive oxidative stress or too low or too high concentrations of sugar or salt. The research could eventually help humans to set the conditions to control their own circadian rhythm and their own sleep-wake cycle. More details click here.


Excessive Sleeping Can Feel Like A Hangover

Excessive Sleeping Can Feel Like A Hangover    

The Cause Is The Disruption Of The Sleep Cycle    

Excessive sleep can result in symptoms similar to a hangover. The cause is the disruption of the circadian rhythm, the body’s internal clock that controls the sleep-wake time but also controls the startup and shutdown of many other body functions, such as digestion and hormone production. The disruption of the internal clock can cause excessive tiredness, also known as sleep inertia. Another cause can be waking up at the wrong time. The sleep process has 5 phases. The first two consists of light sleep and a slight sound can wake up a person. Phases 3 and 4 are for deep sleeping, and phase 5 is also known as the REM phase, in which dreams occur. Going through the complete 5 phases takes 90 minutes, and people require to go to the complete 5 phases to feel fully restored. Interrupting the process will result in tiredness and grogginess. Excessive sleep will start the sleep cycle again and there is a risk to wake up in one of the intermediate phases, with a feeling of tiredness. This can be avoided with a consistent sleep schedule, including weekends. Additional info click here.


Meditation Will Help You With A Better Sleep – Here Is How

Meditation Will Help You With A Better Sleep – Here Is How    

Some nights it is very difficult to turn off and get some sleep. One way to control it is through meditation, which is also beneficial for lowing blood pressure and getting rid of anxiety. Meditation causes the brain to emit alpha waveforms, which are related to relaxation and it also lowers the heart rate. Is it difficult? Not at all. This guide will tell you how to begin. More info click here.


Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Melatonin Can Have Harmful Side Effects

Melatonin Can Have Harmful Side Effects    

Among Them Are Dizziness, Headaches, Nausea, And Irritability    

Many people are considering replacing sleeping pills by melatonin. Alter all, melatonin is a natural hormone. However, there are cases in which this might not be a good idea. Melatonin is a hormone that tells the body to go to sleep, so, if this substance is already present in the body, the brain might decrease its production, which worsens things. Also, specialists recommend taking melatonin when there are serious sleep disruptions, such as when traveling overseas, but not on a regular base. Also, there are certain symptoms that show that the body is reacting badly to melatonin. Among them are daytime drowsiness, which may mean that the melatonin ingestion is altering the production of natural melatonin in the body. Another is headaches, which are side effects of melatonin ingestion. Also, there can be a feeling of dizziness, which might mean that the substance is affecting the balance organs in the inner ear. If this occurs, it is important to stop taking it immediately. There may be additional symptoms, such as nausea, stomach cramps, tremors, or irritability. More info click here.


Study: People Who Can’t Sleep Drink More Soda

Study: People Who Can’t Sleep Drink More Soda    

According to a recent study, people who can’t sleep drink more soda and energy drinks. This might be because people with poor sleep turn to sugary drinks to stay alert, or, on the other hand, sugary and caffeinated drinks result in people sleeping less. However, cutting down the intake of sugary beverages can break this cycle. Click here for more info.


Napping Can Help Improve Concentration, Decision Making And Also Promote Creativity

Napping Can Help Improve Concentration, Decision Making And Also Promote Creativity    

It Should Not Last For More Than 20 Minutes    

Napping is beneficial for the health, although it is not approved by many and even seen as a sign of laziness. However, most of us have felt a sensation of sleepiness in the afternoon. The reason is that we are biologically designed by evolution to have a long sleep at the night, and a brief resting sleep in the middle of the day. Among its benefits are greater alertness and better concentration, because, in nappers, brain activity related with concentration was as strong in the afternoon as in the morning, while non-nappers have a decrease of brain activity in the afternoons. It can also improve memory, decision-making, and also cognitive flexibility, also known as “thinking outside the box”. It also enhances learning and creativity and reduces stress, which also helps in controlling blood pressure. However, napping for more than 20 minutes can have adverse effects, interfering with night sleep, and daily performance. An exception, if there is available time, is napping for 90 minutes, which will allow going through the full REM cycle. Check all the benefits of napping. Click here for more info.


Tuesday, September 1, 2020

These Poor Sleeping Habits Will Affect Your Skin

These Poor Sleeping Habits Will Affect Your Skin    

Sleeping restores the body for the next day. However, there are poor habits that could be damaging your skin and lead to interrupted sleeping. One of them is not cleaning the bedsheets, which contain the dirt and residue of your skin. Also, sleeping in a hot room will cause excess sweating, while a cold room can dry up the skin. Both of these will result in waking up through the night to cool down or search for a blanket. Additional information click here.


Unusual Sleep Disorders

Unusual Sleep Disorders    

Patients May Physically Act Their Dreams, Listen To Explosions, And Even Eat And Drink While Sleeping    

Poor sleep can affect concentration, productivity, and mental health. The most common sleep disorders are insomnia and sleep apnea but they are not the only ones. Among them is REM sleep behavior disorder, in which, instead of dreaming in a motionless state (which is caused by temporary paralysis of arms and legs), the person physically acts his dreams. Another disorder is called restless legs syndrome, in which the patient constantly moves his legs. A particular disorder is called exploding head syndrome (EHS), in which the patient listens to explosions, gunshots, fireworks, thunder, and doors slamming, among others. It is also accompanied by sensations of electricity, palpitations, breathing difficulties, and sweating. The cause may be related to stress and emotional tension. Also, we have heard of somnambulism, in which the patient walks when sleeping. There is a similar disorder, called parasomnia, in which the patient eats and drinks while asleep. Check all the unusual sleep disorders. Additional info click here.


Researchers Have Identified The Neurons That Control The Sleep And Wake Cycle

Researchers Have Identified The Neurons That Control The Sleep And Wake Cycle    

Adjusting The Body’s Natural Cycle Will Prevent Conditions Such As Heart Disease, Depression Or Even Cancer    

Researchers have identified the neurons that produce the neurotransmitter dopamine, which controls the brain’s circadian center, responsible for metabolism, sleep and wake cycles, and eating cycles. This area affects the ability of the body to adapt to new sleep/wake cycles, such as rotating shifts and jet lag. Modern life includes some activities that force the body to eat or work at odd times, such when traveling or adjusting to a different work shift. This results in an imbalance in the body’s natural cycles, leading to health conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and even cancer, as well as mental disorders such as depression, attention deficit disorder and Parkinson’s disease. This will help in designing new drugs that target these specific neurons, thus resynchronizing these cycles. More info click here.