The Brain Might Show Conscious Activity While We Sleep
This Is Called “Sleep Misperception”, And Is One Of The Causes Or Poor Sleeping
Some people do not feel that have slept, even if you see them deeply sleeping. Specialists call this conditions “sleep misperception”. We usually understand sleep as a condition in which a person is asleep or is not asleep. And being asleep is associated with being unconscious. However, researchers have found out the brain might be in an asleep pattern, but it is consciously aware. A series of tests on persons, while they sleep, revealed that people with insomnia reported being awake, even when their brain showed sleep patterns. Also, these persons, during the REM sleep phase, had activity in the brain areas associated with conscious awareness. The explanation might be that the brain experiences an inhibitory process to reduce consciousness and that these brain areas had not gone through such process. More info click here.