Thursday, October 22, 2020

Melatonin Is An Alternative To Sleeping Pills With Fewer Side Effects

Melatonin Is An Alternative To Sleeping Pills With Fewer Side Effects    

It Is Being Sold As Vaporizers, Speeding Up The Effect Because It Enters The Bloodstream Quicker    

Even though sleeping pills are widely used, they can have side effects. This is why people are turning over to melatonin, which is a natural hormone, which alerts the body when to fall asleep, and when to wake up. The normal sleep-wake cycle, called the circadian cycle can be disrupted by stress, jet lag, or shift work. Melatonin supplements are available as OTC medications. Once these are ingested, it can take a certain time to take effect because it is metabolized by the liver. To avoid the delay, melatonin is also being sold in the form of vaporizers, which, according to manufacturers, the absorption period is cut down to seconds, because it enters the bloodstream through alveoli.


Understanding The Causes Of Sleep Paralysis

Understanding The Causes Of Sleep Paralysis    

It Occurs When Waking Up From A Dream And Can Also Include Hallucinations    

Sleep paralysis consists of the inability to move or speak after waking up, which is normalized after 15 seconds to 2 minutes. It is not an unusual condition. The cause is that during REM sleep is when dreams occur. However, the brain paralyzes the skeletal muscles, which include the limbs and the mouth, to avoid movement during dreams, preventing that person could hurt himself or hurt others. The paralysis does not affect the muscles that are related to the functioning of the body and have involuntary movement, such as the heart, and the ones linked with digestion and breathing, among others. If the person wakes up during the REM phase, it is very probable that the paralysis will still continue. Also sleep paralysis might happen when falling asleep, or when waking up. Another characteristic is hallucinations, in which someone or something is watching the person or even sitting on his chest. Duration of sleep paralysis is related to the level of anxiety it generates on the person. Click here for more details.


Normal Elder People With Daytime Drowsiness Can Increase The Risk Of Alzheimer’S

Normal Elder People With Daytime Drowsiness Can Increase The Risk Of Alzheimer’S    

The Study May Help Identify The Symptoms Leading To Alzheimer’S Before It Appears    

Studies have shown that poor sleep is associated to the risk of dementia, but a recent research has also related daytime sleepiness with a condition that leads to Alzheimer’s in normal elder people with no signs of dementia. This condition is a buildup of a plaque in the brain called the amyloid. Sleep cleans brain toxins and prevents amyloid buildup. The study will help identify the symptoms that lead to Alzheimer’s before it appears. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Alternate Ways To Fall Asleep Quickly

Alternate Ways To Fall Asleep Quickly    

Among Them Are Counting Backwards, Trying To Stay Awake, And Doing Breathing Exercises    

Sometimes we go to bed when our minds are still working at full speed. Counting sheep is one well-known way of disconnecting the mind and try to get some sleep. However, it is not the only one. One alternate way is to pick a high number and start counting backward. Another is trying to stay awake. The mind perceives that you are trying not to fall asleep, and will fight it by doing the contrary. Also, there are thoughts that are still floating in the mind when you are trying to sleep. These can be put on pause if you write them. Breathing exercises are also useful. Using different times for inhaling, holding the breath and exhaling will also promote sleep. Check how to do this breathing exercise and all the other ways to fall asleep quickly. Click here for more information.


Study: Symptoms Of Depression Reduced By Staying In Bed A Little Longer

Study: Symptoms Of Depression Reduced By Staying In Bed A Little Longer    

Depression is related to insomnia. According to studies, most people with depression also have depression. And having insomnia increases the risk by 10 of being depressed. However, a recent research has found that two extra hours in bed improve the symptoms of depression. Click here for more info.


Causes Of Sleepwalking And How To Avoid It

Causes Of Sleepwalking And How To Avoid It    

It Increases The Risk Of Injury To The Patient And To Others    

Sleepwalking, also known as somnambulism, is more common among children than adults. It is estimated that 15% of children between the ages of 4 to 12 will have episodes of sleepwalking. The cause may be because they spend greater time in deep non-REM sleep stages. However, there are other causes, such as genetics, and an irregular sleep schedule, affecting the circadian rhythm, which regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Sleep deprivation, excessive stress, and magnesium deficiency can be other causes. Also, sleepwalking increases the risk of injury to the patient and to others, and they can even have episodes of violence. Check all the causes of somnambulism. Additional details click here.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

This Procedure Can Reset Circadian Rhythm, Ending Jet Lag

This Procedure Can Reset Circadian Rhythm, Ending Jet Lag    

Jet lag is the result of an alteration of the circadian clock. The body is used to sleep at certain times, and it has to learn to sleep at different times, affecting productivity. However, a study has shown that reducing 3% of the oxygen in the blood can resynchronize the circadian rhythm, ending jet lag. Additional details click here.


Certain Sounds Can Cause Serious Health Issues

Certain Sounds Can Cause Serious Health Issues    

Among Them Are Headaches, Hypertension, Hearing Loss, Sleep Disorders, And Even Memory Loss    

Recently, the U.S. embassy staff in Havana started hearing a high-pitched sound, which resulted in a diplomatic incident between the two countries, even though the cause was not found. Exposure to this sound resulted in severe health consequences for the embassy personnel. Among these were headaches, memory loss, sleep disorders and ear-related conditions, such as hearing loss and struggle to maintain balance. Testing also revealed a sustained injury to widespread brain networks. Studies have proven that exposure to sound, including frequencies that go beyond the range that humans can detect, can cause hearing loss, hypertension, heart disease, and stroke. Click here for more info.


Scientifically Proven Benefits Of Yoga

Scientifically Proven Benefits Of Yoga    

It Helps With Back Pain, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, And Even Sleep Disorders    

Yoga has multiple health benefits. Adepts say that fights stress, hypertension, and provides a flexible body, among others. However, there are benefits that are scientifically proven one of them is treating back pain, due to the fact that it helps with stretching the muscles, as long as the poses are not too complicated. Another study showed the benefits of treating heart disease. The slow movement and the calming and meditative breathing reduces stress and hypertension. There are also benefits for sleep disorders, because the slow and controlled breathing slows down the brain after an intense day at the job, improving the sleep quality and quantity. Check all the scientifically proven benefits of yoga. Click here for more info.


Monday, October 19, 2020

Poor Sleeping Can Affect Your Job Performance

Poor Sleeping Can Affect Your Job Performance    

Job burnout reflects in loss of motivation, personal accomplishment, and poor attitude towards work. This can happen when there are excess demands or inadequate jobs, among others. On the other hand, the body and mind must renew itself and prepare for the next day via a restful night. Poor sleeping will increase the risk of job burnout. More info click here.


Preparing The Body For A Good Sleep

Preparing The Body For A Good Sleep    

The body must be prepared to obtain a good sleep. This can include getting into a routine, avoiding technology, screens and phones, and getting a proper alarm clock, because the phone can be a health hazard. Also cooling the room, reading, and counting backward will help. Additional information click here.


Avoid These Foods For A Good Sleep

Avoid These Foods For A Good Sleep    

There are foods that should be avoided before going to sleep because they interrupt the sleep process. For example, dark chocolate las low sugar, but a high amount of caffeine. Also, a steak is a high-protein food that will digest slowly and has been linked to sleep apnea. Spicy food will cause heartburn and raise body temperature. If you want to avoid coffee, trying decaf is not a wise choice, for it has enough caffeine to affect sleep. More Information click here.


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Camping And Exposure To Natural Light Can Cure Insomnia

Camping And Exposure To Natural Light Can Cure Insomnia    

If you are having trouble with insomnia and have tested all sorts of cures with no results, there is a natural way to get rid of it, and by natural, we mean that nature has to do with it. A recent research has found that camping and going to the backcountry resets the circadian rhythm. The study showed that the secretion of melatonin – a hormone that induces sleep – started earlier in individuals who returned from two days of camping. More info click here.


Friday, October 16, 2020

Study: Low Sleep Fragmentation And Sleep Efficiency Related To A Higher Risk Of Migraine

Study: Low Sleep Fragmentation And Sleep Efficiency Related To A Higher Risk Of Migraine    

Sleep Disturbance Triggered Migraine On Nearly 50% Of Patients    

According to specialists, there is a relation between a higher risk of migraine episodes, and low sleep efficiency and sleep fragmentation. Sleep efficiency is defined as the amount of time a person is awake in time in bed while trying to sleep and sleep fragmentation is low sleep efficiency. Nearly 50% of all patients with migraine reported that it was triggered by sleep disturbance. However, there is a lack of data in the relationship between both, which makes it difficult for a specialist to determine which treatment would be better for these patients. The study reported that sleep fragmentation increased the risk of migraines by 39%, however it did not find a real relationship between migraines and short sleep duration or insufficient duration.


Absolute Sleep Deprivation Can Lead Affect Cardiovascular Health

Absolute Sleep Deprivation Can Lead Affect Cardiovascular Health    

It Also Increases The Risk Of Diabetes And Can Have Consequences On Mental Health    

Sleep deprivation results in sleepiness, loss of attention and slow reaction times. This is caused by sleeping 6 hours or less every night. However, there are worse consequences if there is a complete lack of sleep for many nights. The body uses sleep time to repair itself, regulating pH in a process called homeostasis, lack of sleep is linked with higher blood pressure, heart failure, and atherosclerosis, which is excess cholesterol in the arteries. Also, after one sleepless night, people prefer eating high-calorie and high-carb foods, increasing the risk of obesity. It also rises blood sugar levels because poor sleeping lowers insulin sensitivity, leading to a higher risk of diabetes type 2. There are mental consequences also – a study revealed that sleep-deprived people formed more memories of negative events than on positive events. Check all the health problems that absolute sleep deprivation can cause. Additional info click here.


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Vibration In Skyscrapers May Result In Depression And Insomnia

Vibration In Skyscrapers May Result In Depression And Insomnia    

Working in a skyscraper might be exciting, and you have a great view. However, these buildings vibrate and sway in the wind, which may lead to depression, motion sickness, and insomnia, according to research. Universities are building simulators to verify how this vibration affects the people inside, which will help in future buildings or redesign. Click here for more information.


Disconnect Your Mind From The Job Issues Before Going To Sleep

Disconnect Your Mind From The Job Issues Before Going To Sleep    

It Can Be Done By Having An After-Office Activity    

One of the causes of insomnia is the inability to turn off the mind from work issues. One way to do this is to do an activity between work and sleep, something like going to the gym, taking a foreign language class, or just hanging out with your friends. This is difficult if you don’t have much free time and have to pick up your kids from classes or have two jobs. However, a small activity will allow disconnecting the mind from the job, and even put aside any negative thoughts or worries you are bringing home, in order to get a restful sleep. Also, good sleep quality will result in better productivity at work. Additional info click here.


Scientifically Proven Benefits Of Yoga

Scientifically Proven Benefits Of Yoga    

It Helps With Back Pain, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, And Even Sleep Disorders    

Yoga has multiple health benefits. Adepts say that fights stress, hypertension, and provides a flexible body, among others. However, there are benefits that are scientifically proven one of them is treating back pain, due to the fact that it helps with stretching the muscles, as long as the poses are not too complicated. Another study showed the benefits of treating heart disease. The slow movement and the calming and meditative breathing reduces stress and hypertension. There are also benefits for sleep disorders, because the slow and controlled breathing slows down the brain after an intense day at the job, improving the sleep quality and quantity. Check all the scientifically proven benefits of yoga. Click here for more info.


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Pink Noise Can Improve Sleep Better Than White Noise And Also Improve Memory

Pink Noise Can Improve Sleep Better Than White Noise And Also Improve Memory    

There is a treatment to stimulate sleep based on white noise. This is the noise heard when the TV or the radio is on a non-transmitting channel and is a mix of different frequencies. Pink noise is similar but less intrusive, and it can even improve memory. It increases Slow Wave Activity (SWA) and can improve memory retention. Check how it sounds. Additional information click here.


Sleeping In A Cold Bedroom Has Health Benefits

Sleeping In A Cold Bedroom Has Health Benefits    

The Body Metabolism And Temperature Decreases, Along With The Heart Rate And Blood Sugar Levels, And People Wake Up More Aware In The Morning    

Correct room temperature is fundamental for a good night’s sleep. However, many couples argue about it. Poor sleep quality affects cognitive functioning, overall health, daily activities, and even financial health. A bedroom with extreme temperatures will cause sleep interruption. A hot bedroom has been associated with an increase in the stress hormone cortisol when waking up the next morning. Also, researchers have found out that patients sleeping at hospital ICU have interrupted sleeping, partly because the rooms are too warm. On the other hand, people sleeping in cold environments feel much better. According to a study, people sleep longer and better, and are also more aware in the morning, in temperatures of 61 degrees Fahrenheit than in rooms with 75 degrees. The reason is that the body goes through a series of changes while sleeping. The metabolism decreases, therefore the brain and core temperatures lower, and there is also a decrease in heart rate and blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is not a good idea to sleep in a hot bedroom due to the fact that it will affect body functions. According to experts, the bedroom temperature should be below the average daytime temperature of the home.


Benefits Of Cannabis For Migraine Treatment

Benefits Of Cannabis For Migraines Treatment    

A Substantial Percentage Of Patients Were Able To Reduce The Intensity And Frequency Of Attacks And Improve Sleep    

According to researchers cannabis can be used to treat migraine and chronic headaches. Migraine is a condition in certain triggers, such as bright lights, aromas, among other stimuli can lead to a strong headache. The normal treatment consists of drugs that decrease the unwanted migraine symptoms, or may even prevent it, but these can have undesirable side effects and sometimes they don't offer relief for everybody. A study has found that cannabis can reduce the severity of migraine symptoms by 50% and eventually prevent the excruciating headaches. Another study has found that almost 90% of patients have a decrease in headache intensity and, more than half experienced a decrease in headache frequency after cannabis treatment. Also, almost 40% found that they had better sleep. Additionally, 50% of patients using opioid medications for chronic pain lowered the frequency of usage. Cannabis decreases migraine by affecting the endocannabinoid system, which can reduce migraine via naturally produced cannabinoids, and also decreases the inflammation in the protective dura mater, which is a tissue that covers the brain. Cannabis also and reduces the release of the inflammatory substances that cause migraines.


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Correcting Your Sleeping Position To Avoid Back Pain When Waking Up

Correcting Your Sleeping Position To Avoid Back Pain When Waking Up    

It Will Also Help With Neck And Shoulder Pain    

A poor sleeping position might be the cause of shoulder, neck, or back pain. A soft mattress won’t be able to keep the natural curves of the spine, leading to back pain. This can be avoided by placing small pillows or rolled towels under the lower back and under the calves, the restore the curvature. If sleeping on the back. If sleeping on the side, a pillow between the knees will release the load of the lower back. Shoulder pain and neck pain can be caused by sleeping on a side with pillows too soft or too hard, among other causes. More details click here.


Think Twice Before Going On Sleep Deprivation

Think Twice Before Going On Sleep Deprivation    

Sleep deprivations can have serious effects on our mental health and on our bodies. For example, drunk driving is as dangerous as drowsy driving. Also, women who have poor sleep have a higher risk of developing mental stress and type 2 diabetes. It can cause depression and prevent the brain from getting rid of toxins, increasing the risk of Alzheimer’s. Check the full list. Additional information click here.


Sleep Trackers Can Report Incorrect Results And Lead To Sleep Anxiety

Sleep Trackers Can Report Incorrect Results And Lead To Sleep Anxiety    

Sleep trackers are supposed to keep track of the sleep and help improve it. However, these devices also set up personalized goals to wake up energized, like a minimum number of hours to sleep. If these goals are not met, the sleep tracker will be a cause for anxiety instead of promoting sleep. In other cases, the tracker will report poor sleep even though the person effectively had a deep and restful night. More details click here.


Monday, October 12, 2020

Lack Of Sleep Related To Alzheimer’s Disease, Memory Issues And Problems In Focusing

Poor Sleeping Related To Alzheimer’s Disease, Memory Issues And Problems In Focusing    

It Prevents The Brain And The Body To Properly Restore Itself For The Next Day    

Poor sleep can affect the body in many ways. Besides the sensation of tiredness, it can lead to poor judgment, illness, and even motor accidents. It also prevents the mind and body from restoring, increasing the risk of Alzheimer’s and other mental issues. There are ways to have a proper sleep. According to a study, it is important to have time for sleep and to awake, every day, even weekends, which will help with sleep hygiene. This is because the sleep-wake cycle is also associated with the brain process that builds synaptic proteins. In fact, these proteins are produced when feeling drowsy, in which they make the essential proteins, and before waking up, which produce the proteins that manage the functions of the synapses. Therefore, sleep deprivation will interrupt these processes. Another study has found that sleep deprivation is related to two substances related to Alzheimer’s disease, which are present in everybody, but during sleep, the brain gets rid of them. Poor sleeping also causes memory issues, problems in concentration, and in focus.


If You Are Thinking About Taking Melatonin For Sleep, First Read This

If You Are Thinking About Taking Melatonin For Sleep, First Read This    

One of the OTC remedies for insomnia is melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone produced by the brain which induces sleep. Also, melatonin, taken as a supplement, is considered safer than sleeping pills. However, taking it during the day can have side effects like insomnia and depression. Click here for more info.


Sleeping In A Cold Bedroom Has Health Benefits

Sleeping In A Cold Bedroom Has Health Benefits    

The Body Metabolism And Temperature Decreases, Along With The Heart Rate And Blood Sugar Levels, And People Wake Up More Aware In The Morning    

Correct room temperature is fundamental for a good night’s sleep. However, many couples argue about it. Poor sleep quality affects cognitive functioning, overall health, daily activities, and even financial health. A bedroom with extreme temperatures will cause sleep interruption. A hot bedroom has been associated with an increase in the stress hormone cortisol when waking up the next morning. Also, researchers have found out that patients sleeping at hospital ICU have interrupted sleeping, partly because the rooms are too warm. On the other hand, people sleeping in cold environments feel much better. According to a study, people sleep longer and better, and are also more aware in the morning, in temperatures of 61 degrees Fahrenheit than in rooms with 75 degrees. The reason is that the body goes through a series of changes while sleeping. The metabolism decreases, therefore the brain and core temperatures lower, and there is also a decrease in heart rate and blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is not a good idea to sleep in a hot bedroom due to the fact that it will affect body functions. According to experts, the bedroom temperature should be below the average daytime temperature of the home.


Sunday, October 11, 2020

Potassium Is Fundamental For Regulating Blood Pressure And Other Body Functions

Potassium Is Fundamental For Regulating Blood Pressure And Other Body Functions    

Low Levels Can Result In Insomnia, Cramps, And Fatigue    

We mentioned before the relation between dehydration and high blood pressure. It can also be caused by a lack of certain minerals, like potassium, which is one of the key electrolytes for body function. It determines the heartbeat, blood pressure, pulse, kidney function, and nerve signaling processes. However, a lack of potassium can result in hypertension, cramps insomnia and fatigue, among others. Some of the foods rich in potassium are spinach, sweet potato, and coconut water. More details click here.


Friday, October 9, 2020

Check This Advice In Unable To Sleep At Night

Check This Advice In Unable To Sleep At Night    

Insomnia has many causes. It can be related to stress, diet or physical activity, among others. What can be done about it? One thing is to charge the phone away from the bed, because of the electromagnetic waves. Other is lowering the room temperature. Check all the tips to beat insomnia. More info click here.


Sedentarism Leads To Poor Health Conditions, Such As Hypertension, Back Pain, And Premature Death

Sedentarism Leads To Poor Health Conditions, Such As Hypertension, Back Pain, And Premature Death    

Additional Consequences Are Excess Weight And Obesity, Depression, And Sleep Disorders    

Modern life has bought many benefits, but it also bought downsides, such as a sedentary lifestyle. This affects at least 25% of the adult population and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, early dementia, and cancer. Also, according to studies, a sedentary lifestyle is one the main causes of premature deaths and increases the risk of serious health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, pack pain due to excessive sitting, or diabetes. In order to avoid it, physical exercise is required, which improves cardiovascular and respiratory health, muscle structure, and better bone health. Additionally, it lowers the risk of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, and depression. There are also many consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. The main consequence is a higher risk of excess weight and obesity, adverse effects on menopause, and a higher risk of breast and colon cancer. Also, it can have mental consequences, such as poor emotional states, including stress and depression, and sleep disorders. Physical activity is the complete opposite of sedentarism.


Thursday, October 8, 2020

Chronic Insomnia Can Increase Triple The Risk Of Developing Asthma

Chronic Insomnia Can Increase Triple The Risk Of Developing Asthma    

A recent study has found a relationship between lack of sleep and the health condition of the airways. Insomnia in childhood can lead to asthma when the person is an adult. The research concluded that patients with chronic insomnia had three times the risk of developing asthma. Click here for more info.


Study: Late-Night Eating Might Be Related To A Higher Risk Of Prostate And Breast Cancer

Study: Late-Night Eating Might Be Related To A Higher Risk Of Prostate And Breast Cancer    

The Cause Could Be Associated With The Disruption Of The Circadian Rhythm    

According to a recent study, late-night eating can increase the risk of prostate or breast cancer. The study revealed that people that did not eat anything two hours before bedtime have a 20% decrease in the risk of suffering these types of cancer. One cause can be the disruption of the circadian rhythm, which also disrupted the levels of glucose, cortisol, and leptin, and also had a higher level of inflammation. This applied also to habitual late-night eating, and also night-shift workers, not occasional cases in which the person must stay once in an overnight shift. The risk of cancer is determined by genetics and environment. Genetics cannot be controlled, but the environmental factors can be controlled, such as avoiding eating before going to bed to promote proper sleep and prevent a disruption of the circadian rhythm. More Information click here.


This New Algorithm Determines The Caffeine Dosing To Improve Alertness Without Increasing To A Total Amount

This New Algorithm Determines The Caffeine Dosing To Improve Alertness Without Increasing To A Total Amount    

It Also Determines The Dosing To Reduce The Caffeine Amount While Maintaining The Same Alertness    

The alertness level with caffeine could be optimized with a newly developed algorithm. Most people take caffeine to stimulate their mood and alertness, and well as to combat the effects of sleep loss. However, in some cases, excess consumption of caffeine can have side effects, such as digestive issues. Researchers have proposed an automated optimization algorithm to determine the caffeine dose to maximize alertness under any sleep-loss condition. It showed how to dose the caffeine to consume to improve alertness by 64%, without increasing the amount of caffeine. It also showed how to dose it, reducing its consumption by 65%, having the same improvement in alertness. It can also provide a caffeine dosing to maximize its benefits in a particular sleep-wake cycle. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Napping Is Beneficial, But You Have To Do It Correctly

Napping Is Beneficial, But You Have To Do It Correctly    

You Will Feel More Alert, Energized, And With A Better Mood    

Napping has beneficial effects, but it must be done correctly. It can be done for recovering, if you have irregular work hours, or have had recently a baby. Napping should take no more than 20 or 30 minutes. More time will result in sleep inertia, in which, instead of waking up refreshed and energized, you wake up sleepy and groggy. Also, taking a nap too close to bedtime will interfere with actual sleeping, and can lead to sleep disorders. Also, watch if you consider that taking a nap is necessary because you feel fatigued. This might be the symptom of a sleep disorder or a side effect of a medication. Therefore, the best time to nap is in the afternoon, around 2 or 3 pm, no longer than 30 minutes. You will wake up more alert, energized, with a better mood, and with faster reaction time. Click here for more details.


A Rare Syndrome Causes Sleepiness For A Month, Like Sleeping Beauty

A Rare Syndrome Causes Sleepiness For A Month, Like Sleeping Beauty    

There is an incredibly rare syndrome, in which a person can feel the need to sleep for months, waking up only to eat and use the restroom. When waking up the person has an altered behavior, feeling irritable or excessive food cravings. More details click here.


Sleep Monitors Can Measure Sleep Length, But Nor Sleep Quality, Which Is The Time In Deep Sleep And While Dreaming

Sleep Monitors Can Measure Sleep Length, But Nor Sleep Quality, Which Is The Time In Deep Sleep And While Dreaming    

However, Then Can Provide Initial Data For The Case Of Sleep Disorder    

Some people are obsessed about their sleep quality and use portable sleep monitors. However, these might not be providing complete information. Proper sleeping includes the time sleeping (usually 7 or 8 hours), and the quality of the sleep, which means little or no interruptions, and the time in NREM and REM. Sleep is a process consisting of two main cycles: The first one is non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) and the other one is rapid-eye-movement (REM). A complete cycle goes between 90 and 120 minutes, so, hour and a half, two hours and they play in a loop all night. NREM has three stages, in which the first is a sensation of drowsiness, has slow eye movements and takes about 10 minutes. In the second one heart rate and breathing slows, and body temperature decreases. In the third stage deep sleep occurs, and the body begins to repair itself. In REM sleep the eyes move rapidly. heart rate and breathing are faster and people begin to dream. REM sleep is the closes thing to being awake and takes about 20 to 25% of the sleep. Frequent interruptions can interfere with both cycles, so, even if the person has slept 8 hours, he will wake up unrested. Sleep trackers can monitor the amount of sleep, but not the quality of it. To measure it, clinical research is required, with electrodes to measure brainwaves, and other body functions. However, sleep monitors can provide initial data if a person suffers from a sleep disorder.


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

New Developments In The Treatment Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

New Developments In The Treatment Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome    

The Brain Feels That The Body Is Exhausted, Even When Resting    

Chronic fatigue syndrome occurs when the body keeps telling the brain that one is exhausted, even when resting. It is severe disabling fatigue, which does not improve with resting at a bed and may get worse with mental or physical activity. According to a study, the disorder may be caused by a perceived increase in the fatigue signals. The cause is not clear, but specialists have detected that people with this disorder sense muscle metabolites, which are produced when energy is expended, even when there is no activity. In comparison, people without this condition do not feel their muscles when they are at rest. A treatment based on lidocaine injections has shown promising results. Additional information click here.


Working From Home Not Always Balances Work And Personal Life

Working From Home Not Always Balances Work And Personal Life    

Home Office Workers Report Stress, Insomnia And Back Pain    

People who work from home don't have to worry about that constant boss supervision or distraction from coworkers. However, when a person can work from anywhere, he could always be working. For many workers, it results in a reduction in commuting time, greater working autonomy and more for time management, better balance in the work and life and higher productivity. However, this activity affects personal life, because the boss can contact the worker at any time, even on weekends, increasing their stress. Additionally, they reported insomnia and stress. Also, a study reported that half of the remote workers did not have an office chair or work desk at home, resulting in back pain. The best idea, in this case, is to define boundaries between work life and personal life. Additional information click here.


What Are The Causes Of Sleep Paralysis?

What Are The Causes Of Sleep Paralysis?    

For some people, sleeping is a nightmare, but waking up is even worse. Sleep paralysis is the sensation of waking up and perceiving a stranger in the room or some type of danger being unable to react to it. It can be related to stress and sleep deprivation. More details click here.


Monday, October 5, 2020

This Relaxing Breath Technique Will Help Control Anxiety

This Relaxing Breath Technique Will Help Control Anxiety    

Other Benefits Are Lowering Blood Pressure And Migraine Symptoms And Treating Sleep Disorders    

There is a breathing technique that will help control anxiety. It is called relaxing breath, or 4-7-8 breathing technique, and consists of emptying the lungs, breathing in through the nose for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 7 seconds, and exhaling the breath through the mouth for 8 seconds. Among its benefits are reducing anxiety and controlling anger responses. It also helps people with sleep disorders, and fatigue, and reduces migraine and asthma symptoms and blood pressure, among others. It even helps to deal with cravings. The technique must be repeated four times, twice a day. There is an alternate technique in case it is not possible to hold the breath for 7 seconds or exhale for 8 seconds. More info click here.


New Cognitive Behavior Treatment For Insomnia, Based On Web

New Cognitive Behavior Treatment For Insomnia, Based On Web    

Insomnia is usually treated with sleeping pills, but these can result addictive and in some cases lower their effectiveness. There is another therapy base on cognitive behavior, which helps reset sleep patterns. Now, this technique is available as a web-based six-week program, with successful results. Additional details click here.


Poor Sleeping Related To Gestational Diabetes And Other Complications

Poor Sleeping Related To Gestational Diabetes And Other Complications    

A study revealed that poor sleeping in pregnant women increases the risk of getting gestational diabetes (GDM). Even though GDM is no longer present after childbirth. The problems remain, leading to a 10 percent risk of diabetes in the short term, and 75 percent being diabetic or severely obese at later life. More details click here.


Sunday, October 4, 2020

If You Are Thinking About Taking Melatonin For Sleep, First Read This

If You Are Thinking About Taking Melatonin For Sleep, First Read This    

One of the OTC remedies for insomnia is melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone produced by the brain which induces sleep. Also, melatonin, taken as a supplement, is considered safer than sleeping pills. However, taking it during the day can have side effects like insomnia and depression. Click here for more info.


Friday, October 2, 2020

Why Are Some Adults Afraid Of The Dark?

Why Are Some Adults Afraid Of The Dark?    

Being afraid of the dark is not only for kids. Some people still have it when they grow old. This not because of the dark, but because of what the darkness means, leaving us vulnerable and exposed. Fortunately, there is a treatment for it. Additional info click here.


Don’t Worry About Insomnia And It Will Go Away

Don’t Worry About Insomnia And It Will Go Away    

There are people who just good sleepers. They put their head on the pillow and go to sleep. On the other side, insomniacs will have a large to-do list with what foods to avoid, relaxation, autohypnosis, and they will still be unable to sleep. That happens is that the effort to control and get rid of insomnia what causes it. So what to do about it? Additional info click here.


Thursday, October 1, 2020

Smartphone Use Before Bedtime Related To Poor Sleep Quality

Smartphone Use Before Bedtime Related To Poor Sleep Quality    

A recent research suggests that the light from a smartphone, near bedtime, affects the quality of sleep. More time spent watching the phone results in poorer sleep. Also, several studies have shown that the blue light from electronic devices can overstimulate the brain affecting sleep. Additional info click here.


Planning In Advance A Good Night’s Sleep

Planning In Advance A Good Night’s Sleep    

Sleeping recharges the body for better performance. There are some ways to get a better sleep. For example, certain habits interfere with sleep, such as caffeine, alcohol, and smoking. To avoid this, no caffeine or stimulants should be taken for 6 hours before bedtime, and alcohol mist is limited to 3 hours before sleeping. Also, light exposure from TV or screens controls melatonin, which induces sleep. Avoid them for 2 hours before going to sleep. Check the full list. Additional information click here.


When People With Normal Sleep Quality Swear That They Cannot Sleep

When People With Normal Sleep Quality Swear That They Cannot Sleep    

It Is A Condition Called Paradoxical Insomnia    

There is a type of sleep disorder in which the patient believes he has not slept in days in weeks. However, the partner or spouse confirms that the patient has been sleeping. Also, if the patient had not slept in weeks, there would be other symptoms, which are not present. When the patient goes through a sleep study, it reveals that the patient is sleeping normally. This condition is called paradoxical insomnia, also called sleep state misperception (SSM), in which the patient honestly believes that he has not slept. It is caused by a discrepancy between objective sleep quality and subjective perception of sleep. The reason is not understood, but it seems that there is elevated activity in the central nervous system. Another cause is a pre-sleep anxiety, which gives the impression that the patient is awake, even when he is asleep. More info click here.


Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Study: Late-Night Eating Might Be Related To A Higher Risk Of Prostate And Breast Cancer

Study: Late-Night Eating Might Be Related To A Higher Risk Of Prostate And Breast Cancer    

The Cause Could Be Associated With The Disruption Of The Circadian Rhythm    

According to a recent study, late-night eating can increase the risk of prostate or breast cancer. The study revealed that people that did not eat anything two hours before bedtime have a 20% decrease in the risk of suffering these types of cancer. One cause can be the disruption of the circadian rhythm, which also disrupted the levels of glucose, cortisol, and leptin, and also had a higher level of inflammation. This applied also to habitual late-night eating, and also night-shift workers, not occasional cases in which the person must stay once in an overnight shift. The risk of cancer is determined by genetics and environment. Genetics cannot be controlled, but the environmental factors can be controlled, such as avoiding eating before going to bed to promote proper sleep and prevent a disruption of the circadian rhythm. More Information click here.


Weighted Blanket Therapy Will Help Beating Anxiety And Insomnia

Weighted Blanket Therapy Will Help Beating Anxiety And Insomnia    

There is a therapy called deep pressure touch stimulation, which is similar to getting a massage. It places pressure over the body and has psychological and physiological benefits. One means to apply it is by using weighted blankets, which have proven helpful in the treatment of kids with anxiety, stress, and sensory disorders. It is also used for treating insomnia because it promotes the production of serotonin. More info click here.


Strokes And Seizures Have Similar Symptoms, But Different Origins

Strokes And Seizures Have Similar Symptoms, But Different Origins    

Causes Can Be High Blood Pressure, Poor Circulation, Or Epilepsy And Even Lack Of Sleep    

Strokes and seizures are two conditions that affect brain functioning, have similar symptoms, but have different origins. A stroke occurs when a blood clot is cutting the irrigation in the brain, or when there is a hemorrhage in the brain. A seizure is a neurological event, in which there is a disruption in the electrical signals coming and going to the brain. A stroke can be caused by high blood pressure, diabetes and poor circulation, and is usually a one-time event because the second stroke usually results in death. Thus, it is very important to determine the cause of the stroke and follow the doctor’s orders to avoid a second one. A seizure is usually caused by epilepsy, but other causes can be high fever, meningitis, lack of sleep, among others. The doctor will prescribe a treatment once he has determined the origin of the stroke. Additional details click here.


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Lack Of Sleep Related To Alzheimer’s Disease, Memory Issues And Problems In Focusing

Poor Sleeping Related To Alzheimer’s Disease, Memory Issues And Problems In Focusing    

It Prevents The Brain And The Body To Properly Restore Itself For The Next Day    

Poor sleep can affect the body in many ways. Besides the sensation of tiredness, it can lead to poor judgment, illness, and even motor accidents. It also prevents the mind and body from restoring, increasing the risk of Alzheimer’s and other mental issues. There are ways to have a proper sleep. According to a study, it is important to have time for sleep and to awake, every day, even weekends, which will help with sleep hygiene. This is because the sleep-wake cycle is also associated with the brain process that builds synaptic proteins. In fact, these proteins are produced when feeling drowsy, in which they make the essential proteins, and before waking up, which produce the proteins that manage the functions of the synapses. Therefore, sleep deprivation will interrupt these processes. Another study has found that sleep deprivation is related to two substances related to Alzheimer’s disease, which are present in everybody, but during sleep, the brain gets rid of them. Poor sleeping also causes memory issues, problems in concentration, and in focus.


Correcting Your Sleeping Position To Avoid Back Pain When Waking Up

Correcting Your Sleeping Position To Avoid Back Pain When Waking Up    

It Will Also Help With Neck And Shoulder Pain    

A poor sleeping position might be the cause of shoulder, neck, or back pain. A soft mattress won’t be able to keep the natural curves of the spine, leading to back pain. This can be avoided by placing small pillows or rolled towels under the lower back and under the calves, the restore the curvature. If sleeping on the back. If sleeping on the side, a pillow between the knees will release the load of the lower back. Shoulder pain and neck pain can be caused by sleeping on a side with pillows too soft or too hard, among other causes. More details click here.


Sleep Quality Is As Important As The Number Of Hours Of Sleep

Sleep Quality Is As Important As The Number Of Hours Of Sleep    

It Can Be Obtained Avoiding Fatty Foods Before Sleep And Setting A Proper Sleep Environment And Room Temperature    

According to experts, a person requires seven to eight hours to get fully rested. However, it is not only important how much time a person sleeps but also quality sleep. This means sleeping, among others, without interruptions, which can be dome avoiding caffeine after 4 pm, and avoiding fatty foods in the night, which will slow digestion. Also, it is important to go to bed and wake up at the same time, even weekends, to obtain proper sleep hygiene. Naps, if taken appropriately, can renew the mind and body for the activities in the evening. They should take no more than 20 minutes, but if it takes 2 hours, it can disrupt sleep. It is also important to sleep a proper environment, such as a comfortable bed, sleepwear, and even room temperature. Since the body temperature lowers during sleep, a hot room can interrupt sleep. Additionally, if there are stressful activities the next day or deadlines, it is important to stop thinking about them. One way is to write them down in a day planner and forget about it during the night.


Monday, September 28, 2020

Facts And Myths About Sleep And Sleep Disorders

Facts And Myths About Sleep And Sleep Disorders    

There are sleep facts that are just myths. For example, everybody needs 8 hours of sleep – the truth is that each person has an individual sleep need. Also, you can recover on the weekend all the lost sleep during weekdays – this disrupts the sleep cycle and can contribute to insomnia. Check all the myths. Click here for more details.


Binge Drinking Can Permanently Alter The Genes That Control Sleep

Binge Drinking Can Permanently Alter The Genes That Control Sleep    

It Would Make Sleeping More Difficult For The Rest Of The Life    

According to a study, four drinks in one session could permanently alter the sleep genes, making it more difficult to sleep for the rest of the life. Lab animals experienced an increase in non-REM sleep or dreamless sleep. Afterward, during periods when the lab rodents should have been asleep, they were awake. Specialists also observed that the test animals did not show an increase in adenosine, a chemical that promotes sleep, and did not have the impulse to sleep. They found that continuous drinking decreased the expression of the gene that controls sleep, therefore, the gene that controls sleep had lost effectivity after alcohol consumption. Additional details click here.


Acupuncture Has Positive Effects On Brain Chemistry, Treating Anxiety And Stress

Acupuncture Has Positive Effects On Brain Chemistry, Treating Anxiety And Stress    

It Also Lowers High Blood Pressure And Treats Back Pain And Circadian Rhythm Disorders    

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese practice which has more than 2000 years old. Even though it is widely known, not everybody knows its effects on the body. Some of its benefits are positive changes in brain chemistry, the release of neurotransmitters, and pain reduction. It can cause the brain to release molecules that allow communication between cells and neurons, called neuropeptides, which can relieve pain and promote self-healing. It also produces other chemicals that help to manage pain, called endorphins which also are beneficial for treating back pain. Acupuncture also relaxes blood vessels, reducing hypertension and cerebral blood vessels. Another benefit is the release of neurotransmitters to manage stress, reduce anxiety, promote mood, and even treat circadian rhythm disorders. More info click here.


Sunday, September 27, 2020

Snoring Sounds Causes Negative Health Effects On The Snorer’s Partners

Snoring Sounds Causes Negative Health Effects On The Snorer’s Partners    

Studies Have Shown That It Results In A Higher Blood Pressure    

Snoring affects the snorer and his partner. The snorer suffers from lower brain oxygenation, has a higher cardiovascular risk, and other serious health issues. The snorer’s partner will also have continuous sleep interruptions because of the noise, and the consequences of sleep deprivation. However, a study has shown that there might be even worse consequences for the snorer’s partner, leading to an increase on blood pressure and other health conditions related to it, such as an increase of risk for stroke, heart disease, and kidney disease, among others. The study also included persons that are exposed to airport noises, which also interrupted their sleep. Click here for more information.


Friday, September 25, 2020

Insomnia And Sleep Apnea Frequently Occur In The Same Person

Insomnia And Sleep Apnea Frequently Occur In The Same Person    

Insomnia is the difficulty in sleeping at night, while sleep apnea is the interruption of breathing during sleep. These are the most common sleep disorders, and a study has found that these disorders frequently occur in the same person, calling it Complex Insomnia. Patients have a poor quality of life due to daytime sleepiness, fatigue, difficulty to focus and concentrate and irritability. Click here for more info.


Health Benefits Of Musical Therapy

Health Benefits Of Musical Therapy    

It Can Help With Mental Health Conditions And Insomnia    

Music therapy can have a series of benefits for children and adults. Children can develop reading and linguistic skills. It has stress and anxiety-reducing effect in adults and children alike, and also improves concentration and alertness. Also, studies have shown that it helps insomnia sufferers, improving sleep. It also helps with mental disorders, such as dementia, depression, and autism, reducing agitated behavior, improving physical coordination, and helping in the development of communication and social interactions Click here for more details.


Thursday, September 24, 2020

Lack Of Sleep Related To Alzheimer’s Disease, Memory Issues And Problems In Focusing

Poor Sleeping Related To Alzheimer’s Disease, Memory Issues And Problems In Focusing    

It Prevents The Brain And The Body To Properly Restore Itself For The Next Day    

Poor sleep can affect the body in many ways. Besides the sensation of tiredness, it can lead to poor judgment, illness, and even motor accidents. It also prevents the mind and body from restoring, increasing the risk of Alzheimer’s and other mental issues. There are ways to have a proper sleep. According to a study, it is important to have time for sleep and to awake, every day, even weekends, which will help with sleep hygiene. This is because the sleep-wake cycle is also associated with the brain process that builds synaptic proteins. In fact, these proteins are produced when feeling drowsy, in which they make the essential proteins, and before waking up, which produce the proteins that manage the functions of the synapses. Therefore, sleep deprivation will interrupt these processes. Another study has found that sleep deprivation is related to two substances related to Alzheimer’s disease, which are present in everybody, but during sleep, the brain gets rid of them. Poor sleeping also causes memory issues, problems in concentration, and in focus.


New Smartphone App Designs A Personalized Plan For Avoiding Jet Lag

New Smartphone App Designs A Personalized Plan For Avoiding Jet Lag    

It Considers The Traveler’s Sleep Pattern, Flight Plan, And Personal Preferences    

Jet lag occurs when a person travels through several time zones, his body must get used to a new schedule for getting asleep and waking up. While this change occurs, there are several symptoms, which makes this process uncomfortable. There are several tips to overcome this, and even smartphone apps that offer the best procedures to make this change as swift as possible. However, they offer generic advice. There is another app called Timeshifter, which focuses on the individual requirements of the traveler and designs a schedule based on it. According to its designers, a generic, one-for-all solution can be counterproductive, making jet lag worse. This app takes into account the traveler’s individual information, such as his sleep pattern, flight plan, and personal preferences, and designs a personalized plan. Click here for more information.


Unable To Sleep After Waking At Night? Don’t To This

Unable To Sleep After Waking At Night? Don’t To This    

Sometimes people are awakening in the middle of the night and are unable to sleep again. So they start worrying, which in turn prevent sleeping. This gets worse if the person looks at the clock or starts to move around, or goes to the bathroom, which increases the heart rate and prevents relaxing. More Information click here.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Teeth Grinding Can Seriously Affect Oral Health

Teeth Grinding Can Seriously Affect Oral Health    

It Occurs During Sleep When The Person Is Not Aware Of It    

Teeth grinding, also known as Bruxism, can begin very early in life. Regular teeth grinding can result in damaged teeth, It is usually caused by a sleep disorder, occurring during sleep, therefore people are unaware that they grind their teeth. Some of the symptoms are waking up with a sore muscle in the jaws and headaches. It has serious health consequences, such as breaking of fillings or other restorations and worn teeth. When teeth grinding occurs at daytime, it is called clenching. Click here for more details.


Poor Sleeping Could Lead To Additional Calorie Intake And Weight Gain

Poor Sleeping Could Lead To Additional Calorie Intake And Weight Gain    

A research has shown that insomnia and sleep deprivation results in lower energy in the next day. This causes an imbalance resulting in the body tries to compensate by eating additional calories the next day, thus leading to obesity. Click here for more information.


Sleep Therapy Addresses The Cause Of Poor Sleeping

Sleep Therapy Addresses The Cause Of Poor Sleeping    

Sleeping pills are a way to deal with poor sleep but do not address the cause of it. One treatment is called CBT, or cognitive behavior therapy, in which the brain and body are retrained for a better sleep. It focuses on the sleep-disturbing factors and lifestyle adaptations, such as dealing with a new job or a newborn. Additional info click here.


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

New Devices In CES 2020 Promote A Better Sleep

New Devices In CES 2020 Promote A Better Sleep    

One Monitors Biofeedback In Real-Time, Teaching The User To Sleep, While The Other Trains The Mind For Sleeping    

There are new devices that have been presented in CES 2020, which will help to promote sleep. One of them is a headband that monitors the user’s biofeedback in real-time, while providing a soothing sound, along with a narration. The objective is to guide the user on how to enter a sleep state, based on brain activity, heartbeat, breathing, and body movements. Another device claims to reduce the time to fall asleep at 40%, and decrease the interruption during nighttime in half. It trains the mind to produce the brainwaves that lead to sleep, changing the brain’s behavior prior to entering a sleeping state. It requires a certain number of sessions to achieve this goal.


Try This If Unable To Sleep In Hot Weather

Try This If Unable To Sleep In Hot Weather    

It Involves Cooling The Body’s Pressure Points With Ice    

There are times in which falling asleep is very difficult due to high temperature. One way is to turn the air conditioner on. But if this is not possible, there is a simple trick which involves cooling the pressure points in the body. There are points that will transmit the sensation of coolness to the rest of the body and are located in the wrists, neck, and feet. The idea is to apply ice cubes inside a cloth or plastic bag to these pressure points. Another idea is dipping the feet in a bucket of cold water. Additionally, cooling the neck and head can lower the body temperature. This can be done by putting the pillow or bedding inside the refrigerator or freezer for 10 minutes. Additional information click here.


Oversleeping, Insomnia And Sleep Apnea Can Increase The Risk Of Stroke

Oversleeping, Insomnia And Sleep Apnea Can Increase The Risk Of Stroke    

A study has shown that oversleeping, insomnia and sleep apnea can increase the risk of stroke or affect stroke recovery. Many of the patients also have Restless Leg Syndrome. The treatment consisted of CPAP, a healthy diet and relaxation techniques, among others. Click here for more info.


Monday, September 21, 2020

Smartphone Use Before Bedtime Related To Poor Sleep Quality

Smartphone Use Before Bedtime Related To Poor Sleep Quality    

A recent research suggests that the light from a smartphone, near bedtime, affects the quality of sleep. More time spent watching the phone results in poorer sleep. Also, several studies have shown that the blue light from electronic devices can overstimulate the brain affecting sleep. Additional info click here.


Seniors Take Many Drugs That Affect Brain Chemistry

Seniors Take Many Drugs That Affect Brain Chemistry    

There are health conditions that are more common in old age. This means that seniors take several drugs for these conditions, and some may interfere with others, such as combining painkillers, sleeping pills, anxiety drugs, all of which alter the chemistry of the brain. Therefore, a good idea is to have a list of all the drugs that this senior is actually taking, so that the specialist can determine ether if the drugs he is prescribing will interact with others. Click here for more info.


Optimism And Positive Thoughts Can Improve Sleep Quality

Optimism And Positive Thoughts Can Improve Sleep Quality    

The Brain Releases Hormones That Control The Sleep-Wake Cycle    

Being in a good mood and feeling optimistic contributes to less stress, more happiness, and better sleep, among many other benefits. In general, optimistic people have more hours of quality sleep and have fewer possibilities to experience daytime sleepiness. Optimism does not only benefit the mind but also the body because the brain releases certain hormones that are essential for quality sleep. Among them is serotonin, which is associated with melatonin, the hormone that controls the sleep-wake cycle. The contrary is also true. Pessimism will lead to worry, fear, and negative thoughts, resulting in insomnia and restless nights. If negative thoughts will lead to staying awake, this idea is to remove them, replace these thoughts with positive ones, improving the quality of sleep.


Sunday, September 20, 2020

Correct And Incorrect Ways Of Getting Rid Of Insomnia

Correct And Incorrect Ways Of Getting Rid Of Insomnia    

Sometimes people choose the wrong ways to get rid of insomnia. Among them is a glass of wine before sleep, because it interrupts the sleep cycle, using portable devices before sleep, because they prevent the release of melatonin, and taking antihistamines. However, there are good ways to get to sleep such as getting out of the room. Check all the ways to get some sleep. More details click here.


Friday, September 18, 2020

Sleep Therapy Addresses The Cause Of Poor Sleeping

Sleep Therapy Addresses The Cause Of Poor Sleeping    

Sleeping pills are a way to deal with poor sleep but do not address the cause of it. One treatment is called CBT, or cognitive behavior therapy, in which the brain and body are retrained for a better sleep. It focuses on the sleep-disturbing factors and lifestyle adaptations, such as dealing with a new job or a newborn. Additional info click here.


Smartphone Use Before Bedtime Related To Poor Sleep Quality

Smartphone Use Before Bedtime Related To Poor Sleep Quality    

A recent research suggests that the light from a smartphone, near bedtime, affects the quality of sleep. More time spent watching the phone results in poorer sleep. Also, several studies have shown that the blue light from electronic devices can overstimulate the brain affecting sleep. Additional info click here.


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Vibration In Skyscrapers May Result In Depression And Insomnia

Vibration In Skyscrapers May Result In Depression And Insomnia    

Working in a skyscraper might be exciting, and you have a great view. However, these buildings vibrate and sway in the wind, which may lead to depression, motion sickness, and insomnia, according to research. Universities are building simulators to verify how this vibration affects the people inside, which will help in future buildings or redesign. Click here for more information.


Your Feet And Toes Can Help Getting A Better Sleep

Your Feet And Toes Can Help Getting A Better Sleep    

One of the causes of insomnia is excessive body temperature. This means that if the room is not cool enough, the brain cannot turn off for sleep. To control temperature, most of the body heat goes through the head and face. But the feet and toes also help to regulate the body temperature. Additional info click here.


Web-Based Insomnia Treatment Showed Positive Outcome

Web-Based Insomnia Treatment Showed Positive Outcome    

There is now a web-based treatment for insomnia. It is based on cognitive behavioral therapy, which addresses the behavior resulting in insomnia. The treatment resulted in a positive outcome for most participants. Click here for more information.